Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin IV (1971)

Led Zeppelin - Led zeppelin IV
The best album of LED Zeppelin. No song exceeds and all are necessary. It contains Stairway To Heaven (Best Song of Rock, Bets Single of Guitar,a wonderful crescendo, a excellent rhythm base, a beautiful acoustic guitar and a voice like few). But not only this song is the good one , all of they are great too, and to know this is necessary to listen to it. Download it if you don't have it
Black Dog
Rock and Roll
The Battle of Evermore
Stairway to Heaven
Misty Mountain Hop
Four Sticks
Going to California
When the Levee Breaks
Review by Gran_Maese
Led Zeppelin - Led zeppelin IV
The best album of LED Zeppelin. No song exceeds and all are necessary. It contains Stairway To Heaven (Best Song of Rock, Bets Single of Guitar,a wonderful crescendo, a excellent rhythm base, a beautiful acoustic guitar and a voice like few). But not only this song is the good one , all of they are great too, and to know this is necessary to listen to it. Download it if you don't have it
Black Dog
Rock and Roll
The Battle of Evermore
Stairway to Heaven
Misty Mountain Hop
Four Sticks
Going to California
When the Levee Breaks
Review by Gran_Maese
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